But, if you’ve ever read anything I’ve written about the Army, you’ll know that I’ve never accused the Army of being efficient. Nevertheless, the reality is that too many Soldiers take advantage of the opportunity that Uncle Sam gives them to collect a paycheck without much effort.
A certain Sergeant Major—-representative of many, many more—-is past the point when he can retire. There are likely many E-8s who can fill his shoes admirably, so in the spirit of preparing the younger generation and giving troops an opportunity to grow, what does he do?
He stays on. And why not? He can take one more short year of his life away from home to collect good pay on deployment. He’s pulling in over $6,000 a month base pay. Add to that the housing allowance of over two grand, plus a few little extra goodies like sustenance pay, separation pay, and hazardous duty pay. All this is tax free.
So while the Army looks to replenish its ranks with young men and women, enticing them with bonuses and college money, it is merely adding to the dole of the largest Federal Work Program. Many politicians lament the size of our military, saying the money is better used helping put people to work. It already is.
What's the difference between what they are doing and what tenured faculties do? It's a sad cycle of life and very discouraging to those that REALLY work hard. BUT, I learned a long time ago that working hard doesn't necessarily mean physically working hard. So, that certain Sergeant Major may come across as lazy, but if something goes wrong under his command he stands to loose a lot more than his constituents. It's the price to pay for being the "Boss".
Well written, Rich! Nice comment, Queen Esther!
In the military as with tenured professors, the idea of reaching some status and no longer being expected to perform is just ridiculous. In a business, such a person gets fired! You either justify your pay or you are really good and pushing papers and looking important. sure this happens in businesses, but not as often and when, then often because of the liabilities and risks the company has of firing someone without a documented trail of cause. Such a society cannot survive economic prosperity.
That's the best GoArmy.com ad I've ever read.
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